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Language/Type: JavaScript random numbers while loops

Write a function named rollTwoDice that takes an integer as a parameter representing the desired sum of two dice rolls, then repeatedly rolls two six-sided dice (using Math.random to generate random decimal values between 0 and 1) until the sum of the two dice values is the desired sum. Below is expected output for the example call rollTwoDice(9):

4 and 3 = 7
3 and 5 = 8
5 and 6 = 11
5 and 6 = 11
1 and 5 = 6
6 and 3 = 9

(Because this problem uses random numbers, our test cases check only the general format of your output.)

Use console.log() to print the result of each pair of rolls on a new line.

Function: Write a JavaScript function as described, not a complete program.

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