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Write a class named ArrayStack that represents a stack of integers implemented using an unfilled array.

For example, say our stack can hold 5 elements and we push 3 elements: 10, 20, 30. Our stack would look like this:

index    0    1    2    3    4
value | 10 | 20 | 30 |    |    |

size     = 3
capacity = 5

Your class should have the following public members:

member name description
ArrayStack() constructs an empty stack with a capacity of 5
~ArrayStack() frees array memory associated with the stack
push(value) adds the given integer to the top of the stack; resizes the stack's internal array if necessary to fit the new element
pop() returns and removes the element on top of the stack; throws a string exception if stack is empty
peek() Returns element on top of the stack without removing it; throws a string exception if stack is empty
isEmpty() Returns true if stack is empty and false otherwise
size() Returns the number of elements in the queue
operator << outputs a string representation of the stack from bottom to top, such as: {10, 20, 30}

You should define the entire class including the class heading, the private member variables, and the declarations and definitions of all the public member functions and constructor.

Class: Write a complete C++ class.

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