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Language/Type: Java string return
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Write a method named multiplyNumeric that accepts as parameters two strings representing base-10 integers and returns a string representing the base-10 integer sum that would result from multiplying those two integers. For example, the call of multiplyNumeric("11", "15") returns "165" because 11 * 15 = 165. The strings might not be the same length; the call of multiplyNumeric("16", "256") returns "4096".

You may assume that both strings will be non-empty and will consist entirely of the characters from 0-9. You may not assume that the binary numbers represented would fit into the numeric range of type int nor long. You should not use Java's built-in conversion methods to convert strings into integers, nor a large-integer library such as BigInteger.

Method: Write a Java method as described, not a complete program or class.

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